Pedro Uhart’s murals differs in style from those of his Latin American predecessors, his early ones join them in political content. In 1973 at the Biennal at the Paris’s Muséum of Modern Art, he hung between two columns, a floating mural titled « Once de Septiembre de 1973 », against the Chilean’s army putsch in which President Allende die.
This mural, that Le Monde (the famous french newspaper) called "Guernica du Chili ", brought the artist public and critical recognition.
In 1974, under the auspices of the Office of Cultural Affaires Of New York City, and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Pedro Uhart hung in the Central Park bandshell, in Washington Square, and in the Battery Park trees, a fourteen meters long mural, " History of War ", wich attracted the atttention of thousand of people, and was praised by the press as a work of art which conveys its message effectively, and enhances the beauty of natural enviroments.
In this murals, wich show the people’s struggle for fredom whith an astonishing lyrical intensity.
Julian Cairol